Performing with care


The beauty and the care of sacred chant in divine worship, and the forcefulness in the singing of the congregation, express a deep and lively faith. The Laus Plena Foundation aims at encouraging a careful and dignified performance of sacred music, favouring the participation of the congregation and valorising its finality of praise and prayer, both in church as for concerts.  

For this, the Foundation foresees to support and to encourage the education and training of the liturgical operators, clergy and lay people, of professionals that accompany the preparation and the performance of sacred music (organists, choir directors, musical directors of the congregation, choir members, etc.), the creation and the training of choirs that will mix with the congregation, and generally, the implementation of initiatives aiming at developing the care of liturgical singing, and especially of the congregation’s singing. 

The carelessness for the musical liturgical service and the detachment of secular musicians from the sacred context is also partly due to the gap that can be observed today between civil society and the Church, between the music conservatories, where musical excellence is thought, and the few academies dedicated to the divine service. The lifeblood of society is not actively engaged in the service of divine worship; the clergy is not properly trained, during its basic education, nor is a systematic preparation of its members foreseen in the academic curriculum. Liturgical operators often are not requested to have any expertise in music. There are not sufficient means put at the service of sacred music, and those that are available are not valorised. 

The Foundation aims at providing support and free musical education to liturgical operators and to the clergy, respectively, to develop partnerships and synergies between civil society, conservatories of music and ecclesial institutions.  

In the secular environment, the Foundation is willing to offer to musicians that perform sacred music, and whose understanding of the specific context and finalities cannot be taken for granted, a training to better understand the identity and the particular spirit of the music which they are called to perform. 

The Foundation needs your support to accomplish its mission and scopes. We thank you in advance for your generosity.

Donations on bank account at  UBS Switzerland AG in the  name of: Fondazione Laus Plena, Lugano.
The Foundation issues certificates of donation for tax deduction purposes.
Bank details. See below.