Organised by the Haute Ecole de Musique of Geneva and the Laus Plena Foundation
ܝܽܘ̈ܒܳܠܶܐ ܣܽܘܪ̈ܝܳܝܶܐ ܩܰܕܡܳܝ̈ܶܐ
This conference aims at being an opportunity for exchange and discussion among more than 20 specialists of the Syriac Musical Tradition or specialists of its influences and exchanges with other traditions. The intention is to review the existing status of works and to revitalize the current research about it. The conference is public and largely open to representatives of the Syriac communities, to HEM and partner Universities students, and to any interested person. Presentations given during the conference will be published. Several concerts are offered to illustrate the conference.
The topics to be discussed develop four streams of analysis:
Sources and development of Syriac Music
We will focus on researches made about the sources and about the historical and geographical development phases of the Music of the Eastern and Indian Syriac Churches, taking into account both the recent philological discoveries and the footprints that can still be found in the alive oral traditions.
Characteristics: Syriac octoechos, modes, tetrachords, composition principles of Syriac melodies
A common conceptual legacy of the various Syriac musical traditions and of other Christian traditions, the Octoechos appears to have obtained its shared recognition in Jerusalem between the 5th and the 9th Centuries, presumably drawing from preexisting elements. Many questions remain open about its relation to Arabic and Turkish makams, Persian systems, as well as about its role in the Byzantine, Gregorian, Georgian and Armenian repertoire. The role of the Syriac tradition in the birth of the Octoechos, as well as the building principles of Syriac melodies, will be given particular focus.
Exchanges with and influences on other traditions
How did the acculturation of Syriac musical traditions operate during their displacement into other linguistic and cultural areas? Which other Christian and non-Christian musical traditions were influenced by, or have influenced the Syriac Music traditions during their migration? How are these musical traditions preserved or transformed in the diasporas that emerged due to the contemporary migrations?
Conservation and Syriac heritage status
The political conflicts of the last decades and the related immigration have considerably weakened the Eastern Churches’ Syriac musical heritage. By which means, such as recording, transcriptions, etc., and by which methodologies can the conservation of the Syriac musical heritage and its transmission be ensured ?
The conference will build the foundation for a research project of the HEM dealing with the conservation and the heritage status of the Iraqi Syriac Churches repertoire.
Gabriel Aydin, Syriac Music Institute, USA
Dr. Sebastian Brock, Oxford, UK
Dr. Enrico Fink, Shemah School of Jewish Studies, Florence, Italy
Jalal Polus Gajo, Iraq, Haute Ecole de Musique de Genève
Dr. Prof. Mammoottil P. George, Orthodox Theological Seminary, Sruti School of Music, Kottayam, India
Dr. Michael Henein, Egypt, St Kyrel Trust, UK
Nouri Iskandar, Former Directeur of the Institute for Eastern Music, Aleppo, Syria
Dr. Tala Jarjour, King’s College, London, UK
Prof. Dr. Peter Jefferey, Notre Dame University, USA (TBC)
Prof. Dr. Elias Kesrouani, Lebanon
Prof. Fadi Lion, Iraq, Par. St Ephrem, Lyon, France
Raed Koshaba, Iraq, Hildesheim University, Germany (TBC)
Dr. Toufic Maatouk, Université Antonine, Lebanon (TBC)
Violaine Trentesaux Mochizuki, Marquartstein Institute, Germany
Prof. Nida Abou Mrad, Université Antonine, Lebanon
Dr. Joseph Palackal, Musicological Society of India
Prof. Miled Tarabay, Pontificio Istituto di Musica Sacra, Rome
Prof. Dr. Luca Ricossa, Haute Ecole de Musique de Genève
Preliminary program
23 February 2021, subject to modification
All times are based on Geneva time (Central European Time, UTC+1). For other locations use the following conversion table:
UTC+5:30 |
India - Kerala |
add 4h30 |
UTC+3:00 |
Iraq - Mosul |
add 2h00 |
UTC+2:00 |
Lebanon – Beirut |
add 1h00 |
UTC+1:00 |
Geneva, Paris (France), Germany |
- |
London |
deduce 1h00 |
UTC-4:00 |
USA - New-York |
deduce 5h00 |
Wednesday 17 March 2021 |
16h30-17h00 |
Welcome and opening |
Philippe Dinkel, Director, Geneva Haute école de musique. P. Armando Pierucci, President, The Laus Plena Foundation Véronique Nebel, Vice-President, The Laus Plena Foundation Xavier Bouvier, Ethnomusicology, Geneva Haute école de musique |
17h00-18h30 |
Concert: A Panorama of Syriac Traditions |
Introductory concert streamed from Geneva St. Peter Cathedral. Geneva HEM Syriac Choir, directed by Jalal Polus Gajo |
Thursday 18 March 2021 |
12h00-13h20 |
Session 1a: Sources and Development of Syriac Music Chair: Xavier Bouvier / Support: Giulia Valentini |
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Brock, Oxford, UK What can the manuscripts tell us? |
Prof. Nida Abou Mrad, Université Antonine, Lebanon La tradition musicale syriaque de la liturgie maronite en tant que dialecte musical de la langue monodique modale du Levant et de la Méditerranée. |
Dr. Enrico Fink, Shemah School of Jewish Studies, Florence, Italie “Eloquentissima indicazione”: Leo Levi and his study of the connections between the Syriac tradition and the Italian Jewish system for the cantillation of the Bible. |
13h20-13h40 |
Pause |
13h40-15h00 |
Session 1b |
Dr Tala Jarjour, King’s College London, UK Where to Go Next? Musicology meets life at a crossroads. |
Violaine Trentesaux Mochizuki, Marquartstein institute, Germany A lifetime dedicated to research on Syriac Music: Ivar Schmutz Schwaller's Mrad-Method on the principles of composition of Syriac melodies and his transcription method. |
Nouri Iskandar, Former Director of the Institute for Eastern Music, Aleppo, Syria « Takhshefto » in the rituals of the Syriac Orthodox Church. |
16h00-17h00 |
Concert: Syriac Orthodox Traditions |
Streamed from Mardin (Turkey, UTC + 3) and The Netherlands Monastic Choirs and Diocese choir. |
Friday 19 March 2021 |
12h00-13h20 |
Session 2a |
Dr. Gabriel Aydin, Syriac Music Institute, USA Characteristics of the Syriac tmone qintoho (eight modes) and gense (tetrachords). |
Prof. Dr. Elias Kesrouani, Lebanon Structure de l’Octoéchos syriaque, Modes, tétracordes, théorie et pratique. |
Dr. Toufic Maatouk, Université Antonine, Lebanon An outline of a modal grammar of the Syro-Maronite hyms of the Maronite office - Two interpretations, same tradition: Similarity and congruence |
13h20-13h40 |
Pause |
13h40-15h00 |
Session 2b |
Prof. Dr. Peter Jeffery, Notre Dame University, USA Title to be announced. |
P. Fadi Lion Nissan, Iraq, Paroisse St Ephrem, Lyon, France Les Chants de l’Eglise chaldéenne. |
Jalal Polus Gajo, Iraq, Geneva Haute école de musique A Comparative analysis of the Mosul, Quaraquosh and Barthalla Syriac Catholic Musical Traditions for Holy Week: Interactions and Influences. |
16h00-17h00 |
Concert: Syriac Catholic Traditions and Traditions from Iraq |
Streamed from Qaraqosh (Iraq , UTC + 3) Choir directed by Fr. Duraid Barbar |
Saturday 20 March 2021 |
12h00-13h20 |
Session 3a |
Dr. Michael Henein, Egypte, St Kyrel Trust, UK Interactions between the Coptic and Syriac musical traditions. |
Prof. Dr. Luca Ricossa, Haute école de musique de Genève Rythme et poésie. Texte et musique dans les traductions syriaques et slaves de chants byzantins. |
Prof. Miled Tarabay, Université Saint Esprit de Kaslik (USEK) La Musique sacrée de l'Eglise Maronite - Le chant de l’église maronite du Liban |
13h20-13h40 |
Pause |
13h40-15h00 |
Session 3b and final discussion |
Dr. Joseph Palackal, Christian Musicological Society of India Reviving the Sound, Sentiments, and Melodies of the Aramaic chants in India: Revisiting the Past to Redefine the Future. |
Dr. Prof. Mammoottil P. George, Orthodox Theological Seminary, Sruti Liturgical Music School, Kottayam, India The Influence of Syriac Music and Liturgy in the Spiritual life of west Syriac Churches in India |
Final discussion |
16h00-17h00 |
Concert: Maronite Tradition |
Streamed from Byblos (Jbeil) (Lebanon, UTC + 2) Qolo Atiqa School of Music Choir. |
Sunday 18 March 2021 |
14h00-15h00 |
Concert: Syriac & other influences in the Coptic Tradition |
Recorded concerts by the Kyrel Trust Choir directed by Michael Henein. |
15h30-16h30 |
Concert: Syro-Malankar Orthodox Tradition |
Recorded from Kottayam (Kerala, India, UTC + 5:30) Sruti Liturgical Music School Choir. |
Donations on bank account at UBS Switzerland AG in the name of: Fondazione Laus Plena, Lugano.
The Foundation issues certificates of donation for tax deduction purposes.
Bank details. See below.