The Foundation was endowed and has received pledges of donations at its creation for CHF 50,000, with more donations granted as from 2016.
The Foundation’s activities will be financed through offers and donations in cash or in kind by its supporters and sympathizers, and in the context of partnerships and specific projects. The Foundation also intends to draw some revenues from its future publishing activities, especially online.
The Foundation is launching its activities with care, choosing few significant projects of high cultural and ecclesial value, and some projects, more modest in amplitude, but having an assured impact to convey the spiritual beauty of Christian sacred chant. It is also optimizing voluntary work and the promises of collaboration already received and initiated.
The Foundation has been granted the benefit of tax exemption by the competent authorities, both for its own imposition, and for the donations and contributions to be received.
Donations on bank account at UBS Switzerland AG in the name of: Fondazione Laus Plena, Lugano.
The Foundation issues certificates of donation for tax deduction purposes.
Bank details. See below.