The Foundation is subject to the surveillance of the Federal Supervisory Authority for Foundations of the Swiss Confederation, based in Berne (CH).
The Foundation has received the support of H.E. Mons. Valerio Lazzeri, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Lugano.
The Foundation collaborates and interacts with the Research Center on Sacred Music "Tomo Quarto" of the G. Verdi Conservatory of Music of Milan and the G. Rossini Conservatory of Music of Bologna.
Other collaborations are in due course with expert musicians and musicologists of the various Churches, and cooperations are planned with music conservatories, musical and cultural schools and institutions active in the field of sacred music, or linked to it, as well as with the Christian Churches.
Donations on bank account at UBS Switzerland AG in the name of: Fondazione Laus Plena, Lugano.
The Foundation issues certificates of donation for tax deduction purposes.
Bank details. See below.