The Foundation is governed by a Foundation Board, chaired by Maestro Armando Pierucci.

The other members of the Foundation Board are: Maestro Christian Anzinger, Maestro Raffaele Deluca and Mrs. Véronique Nebel.

The appointed Auditor is the Trust Office of Mr. Cristiano Bolla, Lugano.

The Foundation Board may appoint special committees (Advisory Commission, Commission of Experts), in order to receive support in its activities.The Foundation is governed by its statutes and by organizational regulations. It is registered in the Commercial Register of Canton Ticino (CH).The statutes and the organizational regulations foresee that the Foundation keeps a list of its supporters (fixed and regular support) and sympathizers (occasional support).

M° Armando Pierucci (ofm)

a Franciscan father and an Italian national, was born in Maiolati Spontini (Ancona, I), on 3rd September 1935. He studied at the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music in Rome (I) with a thesis of the “Codice Oliveriano II”. He also studied at the Conservatories San Pietro a Majella of Naples (I), graduating in Pianoforte in 1966, and G. Rossini of Pesaro (I), graduating in Choral Music and Choir Conduction, Organ and Organ Composition in 1972.

His professional activities have focused on organ playing, conducting choirs, composition and teaching Organ and Sacred Music, firstly at the Conservatories L. Perosi of Campobasso (Molise, I) and G. Rossini of Pesaro (I), and then at the Studium Theologicum Jerusolymitanum and the "Magnificat" Institute of Music in Jerusalem. From 1988 to 2014, he has been the titular organist at the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. In 1995, he also founded the Magnificat Institute of Music in Jerusalem, which he directed until 2014. For ten years, ending in 1999, he was the editor of the magazine “La Terra Santa”. He has given concerts in Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Switzerland, Russia, Iceland, and in the Holy Land. Father Pierucci has composed music, among others, for organ, choir, recorder, accordion, brass, pianoforte, various cantatas, didactic works, and many arrangements and accompaniments (in secular and ecclesial contexts), masses and liturgical pieces. He published several literary works.

In April 2008, Giorgio Napolitano, the President of the Italian Republic, appointed him to  the title of “Cavaliere dell'Ordine della Stella della Solidarietà Italiana”, and in 2013, he was decorated with the “Knight's Cross of the Order Merit of Hungary” by the Hungarian President Jànos Ader, in recognition for his work in favor of children from different origins, religious and cultural background, and for having promoted musical relations.

Maestro Pierucci is particularly devoted to the Holy Mother of God, so much to recognize himself in the anagram of his name, "Per Maria conduci".

Link on the documentary published for the 20th anniversary of the Magnificat Institute, Jerusalem (1995-2015) (The Magnificat Institute presented by Fr. Armando Pierucci)

Long version:

Short version:

Articolo sul M° Pierucci dall'Osservatore Romano, settembre 2020:

Link to some compositions of A. Pierucci:


Canzone ariosa


La Terra dei Fioretti

The Eucharistic Symphony

Sinfonia Mariana

M° Christian Anzinger

an Austrian and Italian citizen, was born in Linz (Austria) on 11 June 1954. He graduated in violin at the Privatuniversität Anton Bruckner in Linz, and at the University of Music in Vienna. He teaches violin at the Conservatory of Music G. Verdi of Milan. He is a jury member for the most important violin competitions and numerous master classes internationally (including in the context of Erasmus). He has been active as a soloist with orchestras, and in duo with piano. Besides the violin, his field of specialization and expertise are ensemble music, and orchestral ensemble, musical theory and composition (including choral composition), singing, pianoforte, producing and recording of music, as well as theatrical and church music, the latter with particular emphasis on the educational values that it transmits. He considers it to be his mission to teach violin at the highest possible level, in order to make students understand the essence of art.

Since 2012, he is the Vice President of the Foundation "House of the Spirit and the Arts", Milan (I), whose purpose is to bring, through all the arts, a spiritual enrichment to the contemporary world, in order to help people in need. From 2014, he is also a member of the Committee of the scientific and cultural Association "Pensare oltre", whose purpose is to reaffirm the real educational values in young people. For Maestro Anzinger, "the study of music and of a musical instrument is always a spiritual commitment; it is not sufficient to talk only about technique or musicality, because the secrets of music lie in the depths of the soul, and there, everything must be discovered. Music is pure spirituality, and in spirituality, the real teaching begins.


His maxim is “imparare sibi maximum imperium”.

M° Raffaele Deluca

an Italian national, was born in Milan (I) on January 8, 1972. He graduated in pianoforte at the Conservatory of Music in Mantua (I), and graduated in Literature, with musicological specialization, at the University of Milan. He also obtained, with honours, in 2000, the Magisterium in Sacred Music and Gregorian chant at the Pontifical Ambrosian Institute of Sacred Music in Milan, with a thesis on the origin of polyphony in the Carolingian period. He is a musicologist and a choral conductor. He teaches History of Music at the Conservatory of Rovigo (I). He has been teaching in past years at the Musical Bibliography at the Conservatory of Music of Padua and has been teaching and was the librarian at the Conservatory of Music of Cuneo.

He has collaborated and continues to collaborate with important Italian historical and musical libraries, particularly the scientific cataloguing of ancient and historical musical sources, coordinating numerous projects as scientific director. He collaborates with the Archives and Library of the Philharmonic Academy of Bologna and the Library of the Conservatory "Gioacchino Rossini" of Bologna. He also collaborated for several years with the Library of the Conservatory "Giuseppe Verdi" in Milan. 

He has designed, taking care of the project and of its structure, various exhibitions. As a choir director, in addition to the weekly liturgical musical activity and to concerts, he designed and created musical projects, and enabled international collaborations with choirs and musicologists from Italy, Germany and the United States. He is a member of the Governing Council, and creator of the Research Center on Sacred Music "Tomo Quarto", founded in 2012 by the Music conservatories of Bologna and Milan.

Véronique Nebel

a Swiss national, was born in Basel (CH) on 20 July 1968. She obtained her law degree at the University of Geneva (CH) in 1992, and in 1995, she obtained in Ticino (CH) the Swiss attorney and notary public patent. In August 2003, she graduated from the University of Davis, California (USA), with a Master in International Commercial Law. She is specialized in financial and commercial law. From 1996 until the end of 2002, she exercised as an attorney and a notary public at the Law Firm and Notarial Office Cattaneo & Postizzi in Lugano. From 2003 until today, she has worked for various Swiss and international banking groups, such as ING, Julius Baer, Bank of China, HSBC, as head of Legal & Compliance, Secretary General, Head of Regulatory Affairs and Policy, and other additional functions.

Since 2005, she committed his free time in favour of charitable initiatives, such as the support to the "Magnificat" Institute of Music of Jerusalem, the creation of documentaries and the organization of concerts and events related to sacred music and the tradition of the different ecclesial realities, especially the eastern ones, developing an extensive network of contacts in the various related ambits.

The Foundation needs your support to accomplish its mission and scopes. We thank you in advance for your generosity.

Donations on bank account at  UBS Switzerland AG in the  name of: Fondazione Laus Plena, Lugano.
The Foundation issues certificates of donation for tax deduction purposes.
Bank details. See below.