
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam tincidunt libero ac nulla imperdiet, eu rutrum odio egestas. Suspendisse pulvinar arcu sed suscipit porttitor. Nunc vel rhoncus mauris, et bibendum nibh. Pellentesque in imperdiet tellus. Aliquam convallis tincidunt leo vestibulum pellentesque. Vivamus vulputate vehicula nibh nec auctor. Quisque maximus urna a posuere feugiat. Nunc id elementum turpis. Ut felis libero, pharetra vitae scelerisque eget, tristique eget nulla. Suspendisse luctus mi justo, et aliquet libero pharetra et.


Dimitrios K. Balageorgos

Byzantine Tradition, Greek Orthodox Church

Dimitrios K. Balageorgos was born in Trikala. He studied Theology and Musicology in Athens. He subsequently received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Social Theology of the...

© VN

Duraid Barber

Syriac Tradition, Syriac Catholic Church

Fr. Duraid Barber was born in Quaraquosh, Ninive Plains, Iraq, on March 8, 1970. From 1987 to 1991, he obtained his Vocational Diploma at Alhamdanyea Vocational High School, Iraq...

© VN

Georges Jahola

Syriac Catholic Church

Fr. Georges Jahola already as a layman had a special attraction for the liturgy and the sacred chants in general, and in particular for the chants of the Syriac tradition. In 1983...

© Housen Soufran

Missak Baghboudarian

Armenian Tradition

Educational Qualifications:

2003: Diploma International Conducting courses from "Hans Swarowsky" Association - Italy with Julius Kalmar (professor...

© VN

Poles Gajuo

Syriac Tradition, Syriac Catholic Church

Poles Gajuo was born on 4 September 1974 in Mosul, Iraq. He studied at the University of Moussed, Iraq, where he obtained his Degree in Mathematics and Computer Programming in...

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